
If communications are turning sour, pick up the phone...

Peppermint Beach, Western Australia

If you feel a virtual discussion is starting to turn sour, pick up the phone, or if possible, meet face-to-face.

Virtual back and forth can easily be misinterpreted, go off the rails, and escalate in the wrong direction, so if you have the opportunity, speaking directly is the way to go.

The nuance of listening to another person's voice; the language they use, the speed they talk, the tone and pitch they use; all provide clues and benefits in terms of understanding what the other person is saying, and more importantly, how they are feeling.

Developing good communication skills and being able to talk to people from all walks of life takes practice, and you'll stumble and skin your knees from time to time; but the upside, and real connections that talking delivers, are 100% worth it.

Cheers, Garrick

Reach me at

Keeping it real in business...

Bremer Bay, Western Australia

I doubt many things I see online.

With AI, CG, and deep fakes proliferating, anything fringy, radical, or provocative needs to be taken with a grain of salt, in my humble opinion.

It's super easy to be drawn in and triggered on any number of topics.

Maintain a degree of scepticism; look behind the veil; and proactively search for contrarian viewpoints to ensure you're not locked in your own echo chamber...

Physical activity, family, friends, surfing, hobbies, phone calls, and real face-to-face interactions with customers, prospects, and your network have always been valuable: and are more important now, than ever.

Focus on 'real', 'quality', and 'value'.

Don't abandon technology - it's amazing, useful, and entertaining - but real relationships; real communication; and real interactions are hugely valuable and are worth retaining as part of your approach to business and life.

Cheers, Garrick

Reach me at

Positivity in business...

Geographe Bay, Western Australia

In business, positivity and optimism are infectious.

Those who are positive and optimistic, even when faced with challenges and things outside of their control, almost always perform better than those who take a 'glass half empty' view.

Teams are energised, and problems are proactively and rigorously tackled and solved.

It's easy to gravitate towards negativity - we're all human - and problems across business are plentiful, but if you consciously pursue a positive approach, the benefits are evident.

Cheers, Garrick

Reach me at

Maintaining balance between business & life...

Canal Rocks, Western Australia

As a business owner, it's easy to sacrifice things of personal importance as you put time, effort, and resources into growing and running your business.

I often come across founders and owners who had passions such as mountain biking, surfing, going to the gym, camping, fishing, or attending events with family and children, that no longer engage in these passions or activities.

Business can be all-consuming, and inevitably there will be periods of 100% focus to the exclusion of all else - just be wary that these periods don't turn into years...

It takes a conscious effort to ensure you carve out space for passions, family, and downtime - but it's worth the effort in the pursuit of some balance.

Cheers, Garrick

Reach me at

Why start a business…

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Geographe Bay, Western Australia

Running a business is hard but rewarding work.  

There is a heap of challenges, victories, defeats, and indecision along the way.  

Creating something from scratch, or something from nothing is lonely, and often all you need is a bit of help in making a decision; suggesting the next step; or reinforcing what you've already done, in order for you to keep up the momentum and push on.

My goal is to help businesses achieve their goals - however big or small they may be.

We want to see businesses become successful and profitable - but not at the expense of all else including, lifestyle, health, relationships or happiness.

Businesses take many forms - private; public; large; small; family-run; franchised; goods focused; services focused; start-up; or established.

Businesses face challenges including competition, succession planning, cash flow, economic changes, environmental changes, technological changes, supply issues, pricing decisions and cost increases.  

The list goes on - but inevitably someone somewhere has faced the same issue and overcome it through the application of knowledge, tools, experience, and a desire to keep their business moving forward.

Cheers, Garrick

Reach me at