If communications are turning sour, pick up the phone...

Peppermint Beach, Western Australia

If you feel a virtual discussion is starting to turn sour, pick up the phone, or if possible, meet face-to-face.

Virtual back and forth can easily be misinterpreted, go off the rails, and escalate in the wrong direction, so if you have the opportunity, speaking directly is the way to go.

The nuance of listening to another person's voice; the language they use, the speed they talk, the tone and pitch they use; all provide clues and benefits in terms of understanding what the other person is saying, and more importantly, how they are feeling.

Developing good communication skills and being able to talk to people from all walks of life takes practice, and you'll stumble and skin your knees from time to time; but the upside, and real connections that talking delivers, are 100% worth it.

Cheers, Garrick

Reach me at garrick@garrickjackson.com